Bosnia and Herzegovina: country overview 2009
This country overview provides a structured synopsis of the trends and characteristics of national drug problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2009. It consists of a summary of the national drug situation presenting brief information in key areas (drugs prevalence, prevention, harm reduction, drug laws etc.). It has been produced within the framework of a technical cooperation and assistance project with the Western Balkans countries financed by the European Commission’s regional Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation (CARDS) fund. This volume contains the English, Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian version.
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Table of contents
- Drug use among the general population and young people
- Prevention
- Problem drug use
- Treatment demand
- Drug-related infectious diseases
- Drug-related deaths
- Treatment responses
- Harm reduction responses
- Drug markets and drug-related offences
- National drug laws
- Coordination mechanism in the field of drugs