Third EMDAS graduation ceremony at the EMCDDA

The third  group of students graduating from the European Masters in Drug and Alcohol Studies (EMDAS), will receive their diplomas at a ceremony at the EMCDDA on 23 September.

EMDAS is a project initially funded through the EC-Lifelong Learning Programme, involving three European universities: Århus (Denmark); Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Spain); and Piemonte Orientale ‘A. Avogardo’ (Italy). The EMCDDA was involved in shaping this multidisciplinary programme.

At the graduation ceremony, the students will meet EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel and discuss their theses with the agency’s scientific staff members.  EMDAS is one of a range of collaborative activities between the EMCDDA and academia and aims to provide professionals with ‘training for action’.

This year, the theses presented by the life-long learners cover: therapeutic communities; the role of drug treatment in prison; and the perception of patients regarding treatment outcomes.

The call for applications for the next EMDAS (2017–18) is now open.

