To examine the current epidemiology of and responses targeting hepatitis B virus (HBV) in prisons across the European Union, European Economic Area and United Kingdom, we analysed HBV-specific data from the World Health Organization's Health in Prisons European Database and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control's hepatitis B prevalence database.
People in prison are disproportionately affected by viral hepatitis. To examine the current epidemiology of and responses targeting hepatitis B virus (HBV) in prisons across the European Union, European Economic Area and United Kingdom, we analysed HBV-specific data from the World Health Organization's Health in Prisons European Database and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control's hepatitis B prevalence database. Hepatitis B surface antigen seroprevalence ranged from 0% in a maximum-security prison in United Kingdom to 25.2% in two Bulgarian juvenile detention centres. Universal HBV screening on opt-out basis and vaccination were reported available in 31% and 85% of 25 countries, respectively. Disinfectants, condoms and lubricants were offered free of charge in all prisons in the country by 26%, 46% and 15% of 26 countries, respectively. In 38% of reporting countries, unsupervised partner visits with the possibility for sexual intercourse was available in all prisons. The findings are suggestive of high HBV prevalence amidst suboptimal coverage of interventions in prisons. A harmonised monitoring system and robust data at national and regional levels are needed to better understand the HBV situation in prisons within the framework of the European action plan and Global Health Sector Strategy on viral hepatitis.