Portuguese national focal point
The Portuguese national focal point is located within the Institute on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, I.P. (ICAD, I.P.). Attached to the Ministry of Health, ICAD’s mission is to prevent and reduce addictive behaviours and dependencies, ensure treatment, harm and risk reduction, social reintegration, as well as to foster capacity building and differentiated training, research and innovation in these areas. ICAD is the national focal point and is directly responsible for the implementation of the National Plan to Reduced Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies. It plans, implements and coordinates drug demand reduction interventions and collects, analyses and disseminates information on drug use and responses to it.
The President of the Executive Board of ICAD, I.P. is the National Coordinator for Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies.
Document library
Media library
Contact information
Institute on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, I.P. (ICAD, I.P.)
Ms Ana Sofia Santos