Slovakian national focal point


The national focal point is located within the Department of Drug Strategy Coordination and Monitoring of Drugs, which is based within the Ministry of Health. Under the responsibility of the Health Ministry’s State Secretary, the Department functions as an executive body/secretariat of the Government Council for Drug Policy and oversees the coordination and implementation of the national drugs strategy. The Department’s Director is also the Secretary of the Council and ex officio National Drug Coordinator. The department consists of two sections. The National Drugs Strategy section is tasked with national coordination and implementation of the National Anti-Drugs Strategy. It also contains a unit dealing with institutional and international relations and information transfers related to drug issues. The National Monitoring Centre for Drugs section functions as Slovakia’s national focal point to the EMCDDA. It is responsible for monitoring of the drug situation and managing national drug information systems.


Contact information

National Monitoring Centre for Drugs
Ms Terézia Weinerová
