Best practice portal – evidence database

This database gives you access to the latest evidence on drug-related interventions. The information is based on systematic searches is updated regularly. To get started use the search boxes below. Click here for more information about the Evidence database (including methods).

List of Evidence Summaries
Title Area Substance Target group(s) or setting(s) Evidence rating
Methadone substitution treatment vs opioid withdrawal to retain patients in treatment and reduce use Treatment opioids Beneficial
Take-home naloxone (THN) to prevent opioid overdose mortality Harm reduction opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial
Opioid substitution treatment (with methadone) in prison to reduce post-release illicit opioid use Treatment opioids prison Beneficial
Health promotion and peer-education to increase blood borne viruses testing uptake in prison Harm reduction not-drug specific prison Beneficial
Heroin maintenance treatment (HAT) to reduce criminal activity Treatment opioids Beneficial
Psychosocial interventions with substitution treatment to reduce use and mortality Treatment opioids Beneficial
Opioid substitution treatment (with methadone) in prison to reduce post-release injection drug use Treatment opioids prison Beneficial
Comprehensive community-based programmes targeting high-risk youth Prevention alcohol, not-drug specific, cannabis, tobacco communities, school, young people Beneficial
Training for alcohol servers and owners/managers to reduce night-time traffic accidents Beneficial
Opioid substitution treatment (OST) to reduce injecting risk behaviours in prison Harm reduction opioids prison Beneficial
Provision of HBV vaccination in prison to reduce transmission Harm reduction not-drug specific prison Beneficial
Cost-effectiveness of opioid substitution treatment (OST) Treatment opioids Beneficial
Life skill and social influence–based interventions for alcohol use Prevention alcohol school Beneficial
Psychosocial interventions with pharmacological assistance for opioid withdrawal Treatment opioids Beneficial
Opioid substitution treatment (OST) to prevent HCV and HIV infection and reduce injecting risk behaviours Harm reduction opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial
Ecological family-based treatments to reduce adolescent substance use Treatment alcohol, cannabis families, young people Beneficial
Mentoring for preventing alcohol use in young people Prevention alcohol communities, young people Beneficial
Promotion of sensible alcohol consumption to reduce traffic accident Prevention alcohol partygoers/nightlife Beneficial
Provision of HBV, HCV and HIV treatment in prison to reduce transmission Treatment not-drug specific prison Beneficial
Multidimensional family therapy (MDFT) on retention in treatment and to reduce use Treatment cannabis families, young people Beneficial
Needle and syringe programmes (NSP) to reduce HIV transmission Harm reduction amphetamines, opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial
Life skill and social influence–based interventions to reduce cannabis use Prevention cannabis school Beneficial
Combined cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and pharmacotherapy to improve treatment outcomes Treatment not-drug specific Beneficial
Opioid substitution treatment (OST) for opiate dependent pregnant women for treatment and obstetrical outcomes Treatment opioids women Beneficial
Digital interventions to increase accessibility to substance use programmes Prevention cannabis Beneficial
Street-level drug policing to reduce drug offences and drug-related calls for service Prevention not-drug specific communities, law enforcement Beneficial
Opioid substitution treatment (OST) to reduce mortality, morbidity, and substance use in homeless and vulnerably housed persons Harm reduction opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial
Digital interventions to reduce cannabis use Treatment cannabis Beneficial
Opioid substitution treatment (OST) to reduce HIV and risk behaviour Harm reduction opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial
Life skill and social influence–based interventions to reduce any drug use Prevention not-drug specific school Beneficial
Substitution agonist treatments for opiate dependent pregnant women over assisted withdrawal Treatment opioids women Beneficial
Mass media campaigns to reduce alcohol-related traffic accidents Prevention alcohol partygoers/nightlife Beneficial
Opioid substitution treatment (OST) to reduce mortality Harm reduction, Treatment opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial
Multicomponent programme based on community mobilisation to reduce crimes and irresponsible use of alcohol in recreational premises Prevention alcohol communities, partygoers/nightlife Beneficial
Opioid substitution treatment to reduce substance use in prison Treatment opioids prison Beneficial
School-based multiple risk behaviour interventions to prevent tobacco use Prevention tobacco young people Beneficial
Needle and syringe programmes (NSP) to reduce injecting risk behaviour Harm reduction amphetamines, opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial
Multicomponent programme based on community mobilisation to reduce night time traffic injuries Prevention alcohol communities, partygoers/nightlife Beneficial
Psychosocial interventions for amphetamine-type stimulants use disorder to improve treatment outcomes Treatment amphetamines Beneficial
School-based multiple risk behaviour interventions to prevent alcohol use Prevention alcohol young people Beneficial
Pharmacy access to syringes to reduce injecting risk behaviour Harm reduction amphetamines, opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial
Intensive family-based programmes to prevent smoking Prevention tobacco families Beneficial
Multicomponent programmes combining community mobilisation, Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) training, house policies and stricter enforcement of licensing laws to reduce accidents and alcohol consumption Prevention alcohol communities, partygoers/nightlife Beneficial
Contingency management to reduce stimulant use Treatment amphetamines, cocaine Beneficial
Buprenorphine substitution to retain patients in treatment Treatment opioids Beneficial
Family and school based programmes to prevent smoking Prevention tobacco families, school Beneficial
Combined opioid substitution treatment (OST) and needle and syringe programmes (NSP) to prevent HCV (and HIV) infection and reduce injecting risk behaviours Harm reduction opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial
School-based multicomponent positive psychology interventions on well-being and distress Prevention not-drug specific school Beneficial
Take-home naloxone (THN) to improve knowledge and attitude towards opioid overdose Harm reduction opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial
Needle and syringe programmes to prevent HCV and HIV infection and reduce injecting risk behaviours Harm reduction amphetamines, opioids PWID – people who inject drugs Beneficial