Emergency health consequences of cocaine use in Europe. A review of the monitoring of drug-related acute emergencies in 30 European countries


This study reveals the substantial levels of morbidity related to cocaine use, translated into the large number of cocaine cases seen in various emergency settings in European countries. This health burden is often not captured by other traditional drug indicators. The report also points to the potential for early prevention, assessment and referral opportunities that may currently be overlooked, including the referral of some patients who may benefit from specific counselling or treatment.

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Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • The medical complications of cocaine use
  • Drug-related health emergencies, with a focus on cocaine: data collection systems and results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions and public health implications
  • References
  • Annex 1: Data collection sources and results, country-by-country
  • Annex 2: Data from the US Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)
  • Annex 3: Relevant findings from the DRUID project