Source data for European Web Survey on Drugs 2021: Emerging findings in Georgia

This data bundle contains all source data used on the page, European Web Survey on Drugs 2021: Emerging findings in Georgia

Below you can find the source data tables used for the graphics on this page.

Table 1. Last year prevalence (n = 396) Georgia
Substance % of respondents
Cannabis 97
Alcohol 94
Tobacco 90
MDMA/ecstasy 55
LSD 34
Ketamine 30
NPS 24
Amphetamine 23
Cocaine 22
Methamphetamine 12
Heroin 11
Table 2a. Motivation for herbal cannabis use in the last 12 months (n = 239), Georgia
Motivation % of respondents

To reduce

To get high/for fun 69
To improve sleep 35
To treat depression
To socialise 16
To enhance performance
(school, work, sport, etc.)
To reduce pain/inflammation 14
Out of curiosity
/to experiment
Other 4
Table 2b. Motivation for MDMA/ecstasy use in the last 12 months (n = 118), Georgia
Motivation % of respondents
To get high/for fun 83
To reduce
To socialise 14
To treat depression
Out of curiosity
/to experiment
To reduce pain
To enhance performance
(school, work, sport, etc.)
Table 3. Settings for drug use in last 12 months (n = 396), Georgia
Setting % of respondents
Home 79
Club or bar 66
Music festival or party 65
Public space (street, park, etc.) 31
Work 14
School/university/training facility 4
Drug consumption room 3
Chemsex site 3
Table 4. Has the COVID-19 pandemic had any impact on your drug use? (% of respondents), Georgia
Substance I use less I use the same I use more Don't know/No answer
Ecstasy/MDMA 66 16 9 9
Cocaine powder 42 18 12 28
NPS 36 18 32 14
Amphetamine 36 32 14 18
Heroin 30 45 5 20
Cannabis resin 30 28 40 2
Herbal cannabis 18 42 35 5