Sensation Seeking Scale

Original/alternative title:  SSS


This questionnaire is designed to test the tendency towards varied, novel and intense sensations. As it is a self-reported test it is easy to  manage also in studies involving a large population (i.e. high school students) to measure the propensity to try new intensive experiences. The SSS is composed of 40 items, each of which contains two statements. The respondent has to choose the one which best suits his/her preference.

Additional information

Zuckerman M. Dimensions of sensation seeking. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1971; 36, 45–52.

Zuckerman, M. Sensation seeking: Beyond the optimal level of arousal. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1979.

Zuckerman M. The sensation seeking scale V (SSS-V): Still reliable and valid. Pers Individ Diff 2007;43:1303-1305.

Gray JM, Wilson MA. (2007). A detailed analysis of the reliability and validity of the sensation seeking scale in a UK sample. Personality and Individual Differences 2007; 42, 641–651.
