Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory

Original/alternative title:  ZTPI


The test investigates orientation towards past-negative, past-positive, present-fatalistic, present-hedonistic and future time perspectives independently.

The test can be individually or collectively administrated, so it can be considered as a screening instrument as well as diagnostic. It investigates how people project themselves in the time, according to their orientation (to past, present and future) and attitudes (positive, negative, fatalistic or hedonistic). It has been used in various field of research and applications, such as academic achievement, risk-taking, drug use, subjective well-being, quality of life, illness, social relations, burnout, health preventive behaviors, post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD), clinical settings, health communications.

Additional information

Zimbardo, P.G. & Boyd, J.N. (1999). Putting time in perspective: A valid, reliable individual differences metric. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77, 1271-1288.      

Davis, M., A., Cernas Ortiz, D.A. Revisiting the structural and nomological validity of the Zimbardo time perspective inventory. Elsevier, Personality and Individual Differences
Volume 104, January 2017, Pages 98-103
