EUPC basic training adapted for decision-, opinion- and policy-makers working in drug prevention in Latin America and Caribbean

photo of hands working around a laptop on a glass table

On 27 June, 24 experts from nine Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru and Uruguay) are taking a five-day online European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) basic training course in Spanish. The curriculum has been adapted to the context of Latin American and Caribbean (LA) countries, developed under the COPOLAD III project.

In July 2024, two additional online courses will be delivered:

  • A course in English for the Caribbean, with 24 participants from seven countries (Bahamas, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago).
  • A course in Spanish, with 24 participants from 11 countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela).

Following online training sessions in Spanish and English delivered in 2023, two adapted versions of the EUPC basic training (in English and Spanish) were developed.

For culturally adapting both versions, focus groups were organised with LAC participants from the pilot trainings conducted in 2023.
