Drug seizures at a glance, 2019


Graphic shows a breakdown of seizures by drug in 2019 and indexed trends since 2009 in the European Union (EU-27).

This graphic is take from the European Drug Report 2021. Full source data and methods and definitions may be found in the Statistical Bulletin 2021.

Graphic source data is provided below for accessibility and reuse purposes.

Breakdown by drug (2009)

Breakdown of seizures by drug in EU-27 (2009)
Drug %
Herbal cannabis 37%
Cannabis resin 36%
Cannabis plants 1%
Cocaine and crack 11%
Heroin 3%
Amphetamines 5%
Other substances 4%

Number of drug seizures, indexed trend

Number of drug seizures in the European Union, indexed trends 2009-19
Drug 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Methamphetamine 100 137 190 126 190 196 196 181 238 180 1031
MDMA 100 149 226 209 110 193 189 302 656 518 556
Cocaine 100 103 104 120 87 85 116 116 239 315 379
Herbal cannabis 100 91 157 206 222 241 128 246 434 356 326
Amphetamine 100 71 78 67 75 75 68 72 82 103 280
Heroin 100 77 62 62 59 108 55 51 68 134 117
Cannabis resin 100 88 80 78 78 99 92 73 80 114 81

Quantity of drugs seized, indexed trend

Quantity of drugs seized in the European Union, indexed trends 2009-19
Drug 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Resin 100 91 83 81 93 103 92 78 93 117 84
Herbal 100 98 145 250 322 231 119 255 334 241 241
Cocaine 100 103 105 121 88 86 116 117 241 317 381
Heroin 100 78 50 76 77 88 53 39 96 117 123
Amphetamine 100 58 66 54 73 62 103 99 147 151 248
Methamphetamine 100 104 168 160 134 126 152 133 227 178 637
MDMA 100 159 240 351 272 309 396 404 890 771 464