European Drugs Summer School (EDSS) 2021

Co-organised by the EMCDDA and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) this year's European Drugs Summer School scheduled to take place in Lisbon from 28 June–9 July 2021 with a focus on 'Illicit drugs and vulnerable groups'.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Drugs Summer School 2021 will be delivered through online and remote instruction. The sessions will be also recorded and made available for later viewing.

Sessions will include lectures on the prevention of drug-related problems; social determinants of drug use and interventions for vulnerable groups (homeless, prisoners, migrants). During the course, students will participate in interactive workshops to discuss their own projects and views. The course will conclude with an open debate with guest speakers, followed by an exam for those wishing to obtain credits.

For more information, read this related news release on the 2021 European Drugs Summer School.

Administrative information and registration details can be found on the ISCTE-IUL dedicated web page.
