EMCDDA webinar: The role of Artificial Intelligence in evidence-based research
Objective: In view of the fast-moving developments in the field of AI, we would like to discuss opportunities and challenges of using AI for evidence-based research.
Background: AI refers to the ability of a machine to display human-like capabilities such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity. It is seen as central to the digital transformation of society and has become an EU priority.
As part of its digital strategy, the EU plans to regulate AI to ensure better conditions for the development and use of this innovative technology. In April 2021, the European Commission proposed the first EU regulatory framework for AI.
As we work to improve preparedness based on evidence, learning from the experiences of other organisations with AI is crucial.
In conversation with:
- Vivianne Welch, Editor-in-chief, Campbell Collaboration.
- Ermanno Cavalli, Senior Data Scientist, EFSA.
Chairpersons: Bruno Guarita (EMCDDA) and Gregorio Planchuelo (EMCDDA).
Opening and closing remarks: Alexis Goosdeel, EMCDDA Director.
Format: EMCDDA opening remarks, panellists’ questions, guided discussion, Q&A.
Participants will respond to the following questions:
- What is the current use of AI in evidence-based research?
- What are the main opportunities and challenges of AI use for systematic reviews and the synthesis of evidence?
- What are the main challenges of applying AI to systematic reviewing for the evaluation of effectiveness of social interventions? (Vivianne Welch).
- How can a European agency improve services to stakeholders by safely using the opportunities offered by AI? (Ermanno Cavalli).
Length: 1.5 hours.
Participants: The event is open to all upon registration, after which the person will receive a link to connect.
Webinar etiquette: We welcome participants using the chat during the webinar, but kindly ask them to refrain from using it for airing grievances, promoting events/commercial initiatives or misusing contact details. Please engage with courtesy and respect. Violation of these guidelines may result in exclusion from the chat by the administrator. Thank you for your cooperation in making this webinar a positive and focused learning experience for all.
Date: Tuesday 26 March 2024, 12.00–13.30 Lisbon time (WET), 13.00–14.30 CET.
Platform: Zoom