Overview of the use of drug testing programmes in prison settings in a number of European countries
Data last updated: October 2022
This map is based an updated version of Table 7.1 in the Publication Prison and drugs in Europe: current and future challenges (June 2021). The data were initially collected from the EMCDDA’s legal correspondents in EMCDDA reporting countries and its Reitox network of national focal points in 2018 and updated for Cyprus in October 2022.
Country | Aim/availability | Context | Administration |
Austria | Security and treatment | OST | Healthcare staff |
Belgium | Treatment | Drug-free programme | No information |
Bulgaria | Security | Suspicion of use (not applied extensively) | Healthcare staff |
Croatia | Security and treatment | On entry, suspicion of use, transfer to another prison, if person is part of treatment programme, on return after each temporary stay outside the prison | Prison officers, healthcare staff |
Cyprus | Security and treatment | Suspicion of use, following relevant information, before people’s movements (release, permission, etc.) | Prison staff |
Czechia | Security and treatment | On entry, suspicion of use, random, drug-free zone, treatment (OST, mandatory treatment, voluntary treatment) | Healthcare staff |
Denmark | Security and treatment | Suspicion of use, external visits, random control, drug-free zone, voluntary treatment | Prison staff |
Estonia | Treatment | Random testing | No information |
Finland | Security | In 2016 there were 46 000 tests conducted; positive tests result in penalties | No information |
France | Drug testing not available | Not available | Not available |
Germany | Security and treatment | The system is not nationwide. In some prisons it is conducted in cases of suspicion of new psychoactive substance use | Prison officers |
Greece | Drug testing not available | Not available | Not available |
Hungary | Security and treatment | Mandatory monthly testing in drug-free wings, upon admission to drug-free wings, and in cases of suspected drug use. Not mandatory but can occur: when returning from outside prison | Healthcare staff |
Ireland | (Security and treatment) | Currently planning the introduction of drug testing in prisons, to be applied in the context of OST | No information |
Italy | Treatment | On entry (voluntarily) | Healthcare staff |
Latvia | Security | Suspicion of use | Prison staff |
Lithuania | Security | Suspicion of use | Prison officers |
Luxembourg | Security | Suspicion of use (rarely applied) | Prison staff or healthcare staff |
Malta | Security | Random testing | Healthcare staff |
Netherlands | Security | Transfer to other institutions. Mandatory testing before going on leave | No information |
Norway | Security and treatment | Suspicion of use | Healthcare staff for body cavity inspection, blood samples. Prison officers for urine samples |
Poland | Security | Suspicion of use | Prison officers |
Portugal | Treatment | Random testing. Testing required to access prison privileges. On entry screening if suspicion of use | Healthcare staff |
Romania | Security and treatment | For inclusion in a treatment programme and whenever necessary during the programme, on suspicion of use | Healthcare staff |
Slovakia | Security | On entry screening. Random testing | Healthcare staff |
Slovenia | Security and treatment | Random, if there is reasonable suspicion of being under the influence of drugs, OST/other treatment (Law on Execution of Criminal Sanctions) | Prison officers, healthcare staff |
Spain | Security and treatment | As a control for the granting of permits — before, during or upon return — based on a prior commitment with the person in prison; preparation for release (up to 7 days for people with specific requirements). Linked to the therapeutic process in methadone treatment programmes; to adjust doses in OST or cessation programmes. In the case of positive controls, efforts are made to prevent relapse; expulsion from the programme is avoided | Healthcare staff |
Sweden | Security (treatment) | On request, to ensure no intoxication | Prison officers (or healthcare staff if blood involved) |