European Drug Report 2020: Key Issues


This report, available in 24 languages, presents a summary of some the main findings of the 'European Drug Report 2020: Trends and Developments the EMCDDA’s latest analysis of the drug situation in Europe. The issues selected here have been chosen for their policy relevance and general interest.

Table of contents

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Table of contents

  • Introductory note
  • Acknowledgements
  • COVID-19 pandemic and the drug situation
  • Europe's drug situation up to 2020: Key issues identified
    • Large drug shipments are increasingly intercepted
    • Cocaine’s role in Europe’s drug problem is increasing
    • The potential for increased heroin use and existing  harms raise concerns
    • Understanding the public health impact of high-potency  cannabis and new products
    • Increased and diverse drug production within Europe
    • Continuing availability of high-strength MDMA products  highlights need for greater user awareness
    • Growing complexity in the drug market poses regulatory  challenges and health risks
    • New tools and innovative strategies are needed to support  the scaling-up of hepatitis C treatment
    • Drug overdose is increasingly associated with  an ageing population
    • New psychoactive substances have become  a more persistent problem
    • Appearance of new synthetic opioids is a worrying example  of continuing market adaptability
  • Annex: National data tables