Comorbidity of substance use and mental disorders in Europe


This publication looks at the co-occurrence of drug use problems and mental health disorders, taking in the theoretical background of psychiatric comorbidity, the tools for clinical diagnosis and the prevalence and clinical relevance of the problem in Europe.

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Table of contents

  • Foreword
  • Executive summary
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Comorbidity of substance use and
  • mental disorders: theoretical background and relevance
  • Chapter 2: Assessment of psychiatric comorbidity in drug users
  • Chapter 3: Methods
  • Chapter 4: Epidemiological data on the prevalence of comorbid substance use and mental disorders in Europe
  • Chapter 5: Specific characteristics of comorbid mental and substance use disorders and clinical recommendations
  • Chapter 6: Treatment services for the comorbidity of substance use and mental disorders
  • Chapter 7: Conclusion and recommendations
  • Glossary
  • Appendix
  • References


  • Czech (translated by the Czech national focal point)