A cannabis reader: grey literature list
Below is an online version of the appendix which can be found in Volume 1 of 'A cannabis reader'. The list is sorted chronologically.
Title, author | Year of publication and publisher | Pages | Countries and language |
Australian National Drug Strategy, Monograph No. 25 on the health and psychological consequences of cannabis use (Hall, Solowik, Lemon, 1994). | 1994 Australian Government | 198pp.* (109,000 words) | Australia (EN) |
Marijuana myths, marijuana facts — A review of the scientific evidence (Zimmer and Morgan, 1997) | 1997 Lindesmith Center |
241pp. | United States (EN) |
Cannabis: A Health Perspective and Research Agenda (WHO, 1997) | 1997 World Health Organisation |
50pp. | Global – WHO (EN) |
Bulletin on Narcotics1997 Issue 1 | 1997 UNODC Bulletin on Narcotics |
Global (EN) | |
Cannabis, HL Paper151 (UK Government Stationery Office, 1998) | 1998 House of Lords Science and Technology Committee | 306pp. | United Kingdom (EN) |
The Health Effects of Cannabis (Kalant, Corrigall, Hall, Smart eds., 1999) | 1999 Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation | 526pp. | Canada (EN) |
Cannabis Report (Swiss Federal Commission for Drug Issues (EKDF), 1999). | 1999 Swiss Federal Commission for Drug Issues (EKDF) |
91pp. | Switzerland (EN) |
Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base ( Joy et al (eds.), 1999) | 1999 Institute of Medicine United States |
288pp. | United States (EN) |
Cannabis: ¡hasta dónde! (Cabrera Forneiro, J. and Ramos Atance, J. (eds)., 1999), Comunidad de Madrid/Harcourt. | 1999 Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) |
230pp. | Spain (ES) |
Drug Dependence: Risk and Monitoring (DDRAM) Final Report: Comparative Study Between Newcastle,Groningen, Bremen, Rome and Dublin | 2000 BISDRO Institute for Drug Research, University of Bremen | 21pp. | Germany (EN) |
Cannabis and driving: a review of the literature and commentary (UK Department of Transport, 2000) | 2000 UK Department of Transport | 94pp. | United Kingdom (EN) |
Monografía Cannabis (Bobes García and Calafat Far, 2000) | 2000 Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas (Spain) | 330pp. | Spain (ES) |
The Health and Psychological Effects of Cannabis – 2nd edition, National Drug Strategy, Monograph No 44 (Hall, Degenhardt, Lynskey, 2001). | 2001 Australian Government | 182pp. | Australia (EN) |
A report of the national commission on ganja to Rt. hon. P. J. Patterson, q.c., m.p., Prime Minister of Jamaica (Chevannes et al., National Commission on Ganja, 2001) | 2001 National Commission on Ganja (Jamaica) | 25000 words | Jamaica (EN) |
Cannabis: Quels effets sur le comportement et la santé ?, Synthèse et recommandations (Inserm,2001) | 2001 Inserm (France) | 58pp. | France (FR) |
British Journal of Psychiatry, 178 (2), February 2001, (2001) | 2001 British Journal of Psychiatry |
28pp. | United Kingdom (EN) |
Times they are a-changing: The policing of cannabis (May, Warburton, Turnbull, Hough, 2002) | 2002 Joseph Rowntree Foundation |
74pp. | United Kingdom (EN) |
Nida Notes: Articles on Marijuana Research (NIDA (ed.), 2002) | 2002 NIDA (US) | 64pp. | United States (EN) |
Cannabis: our position for a Canadian public policy (Nolin et al., 2002) | 2002 Canadian Senate Special Committee On Illegal Drugs |
843pp. (5 sections) | Canada (EN, FR) |
Physiological and psychological effects of cannabis : review of the research findings (Wheelock, 2002) | 2002 Canadian Senate Special Committee On Illegal Drugs |
52pp. | ü Canada (EN) |
The Cannabis 2002 report. joint international effort at the initiative of the ministers of public health of Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland (Spruit et al., Belgian Ministry of Public Health, 2002) | 2002 Belgian Ministry of Public Health | 142pp. | Belgium, France,Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland (EN) |
Quand le cannabis fait problème: La question des vulnérabilités (Association GT national, 2002) | 2002 Association GT national – médecine générale et conduites addictives (France) | 140pp. | France (FR) |
Drug treatment among young people: a systematic review of effectiveness and the legal framework (Elliott et al, 2002) | 2002 Scottish Executive Effective Interventions Unit | 135pp | United Kingdom (EN) |
Guía Básica sobre los Cannabinoides (2002). | 2002 Sociedad Española De Investigación Sobre Cannabinoides’ | 160pp. | Spain (ES) |
The classification of cannabis under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 | 2002 Advisory Council On The Misuse Of Drugs UK Home Office | 22pp. | United Kingdom (EN) |
Cannabis: Feiten en cijfers 2002 (Rigter, van Laar, Rigter, Kilmer, 2003) | 2002 Trimbos Institute | 61pp. | The Netherlands (NL) |
Cannabis: Policy, Implementation and Outcomes (van het Loo et al., 2003) | 2003 RAND Europe, on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports | 92pp. | The Netherlands (EN) |
A growing market, The domestic cultivation of cannabis (Hough et al.; 2003) | 2003 Rowntree Foundation | 60pp. | United Kingdom (EN) |
Is Cannabis a Harmless Drug? (Swedish National Drug Policy Coordinator, 2003) | 2003 Swedish National Drug Policy Coordinator |
32pp. | Sweden (EN) |
Monográfico Cannabis - Revista Española de Drogodependencias Vol 30, no. 1-2 (AESED, 2003) | 2003 Asociación Española de Estudio en Drogodependencias (AESED) |
>218pp. | Spain (ES) |
Folleto Cannabis (Ministro del Interior, 2003) | 2003 Ministro del Interior (Spain) | 36pp. | Spain (ES) |
SWAPS - Spéciale Cannabis 32/33 (Pialoux ed., 2003) | 2003 Association Pistes |
France (FR) | |
Marijuana: Myths and Facts (ONDCP, 2003) | 2003 ONDCP (US) | 44pp. | United States (EN) |
Cannabis in Vlaanderen. Patronen van cannabisgebruik bij ervaren gebruikers (Cannabis in Flanders : Patterns of cannabis consumption in experienced users.) (Decorte, Muys, Slock, 2003) | 2003 Institute for Social Drug Research, University of Ghent (BE) | Belgium (Flanders) (NL) | |
Inquiry into the public health strategies related to cannabis use and the most appropriate legal status, Report of the Health Committee (Chadwick (ed.), 2003) | 2003 New Zealand House of Representatives, Health Committee | 80pp. | New Zealand (EN) |
Further consideration of the classification of cannabis under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 | 2004 Advisory Council On The Misuse Of Drugs UK Home Office | 36pp. | United Kingdom (EN) |
L’usage problématique de cannabis (Hautefeuille ed.,2004) | 2004 Toxibase and Crips | 84pp. | France (FR) |
Schule und cannabis Regeln, Maßnahmen, Frühintervention (BZgA, 2004) | 2004 BZgA, Germany | 36pp. | Germany (DE) |
Ecole et cannabis Règles, mesures et détection précoce (Office fédérale de la santé publique, 2004) | 2004 OFSP (Switzerland) |
38pp. | Switzerland (FR) |
What Does It Mean to Decriminalize Marijuana? A Cross-National Empirical Examination (Pacula et al.,2004) | 2004 JSP/Center for the Study of Law and Society, University of California, Berkeley | 34pp. | United States (EN) |
Adverse Health Consequences of Cannabis Use: (Ramström, 2004) | 2004 National Institute of Public Health (Sweden) | 130pp. | Sweden (EN) |
Marijuana Growth in British Columbia, (Easton, 2004) | 2004 Fraser Institute |
40pp. | Canada (EN) |
Insights: An overview of cannabis potency in Europe (EMCDDA, 2004) | 2004 EMCDDA |
72pp. | European Union (EN) |
Informe Sobre el Cánnabis 2004: Análisis de situación y propuestas de actuación. | 2004 Grupo de Estudios sobre el Cánnabis |
32pp. | Spain (ES) |
Regular and intensive use of cannabis and related problems: conceptual framework and data analysis in the EU member states (Simon, 2003) | 2004 EMCDDA |
45pp. | European Union (EN) |
Cannabisbezogene Störungen: Umfang, Behandlungsbedarf und Behandlungsangebot (Cannabis related disorders (CareD): Prevalence, Service needs and Treatment provision) (Simon and Sonntag, 2004) | 2004 Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und soziale Sicherung |
172pp. | Germany (DE) |
Cannabis (Ben Amar ed., 2004) | 2004 Drogues, santé et société |
Canada (FR) | |
State of Art-Paper der zum Thema: ‘Cannabis’ (Haller and Dittrich, 2004) | 2004 Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (ÖGPP) | 34pp. | Austria (DE) |
Cannabis problems in context: understanding the increase in European treatment demands, Annual Report 2004 Selected Issue (EMCDDA, 2004) | 2004 EMCDDA |
8pp | European Union (Official EU languages) |
An Overview of Scientific and other Information on Cannabis (Morgan ed., 2004). | 2004 National Advisory Council on Drugs, Ireland | 133pp. | Ireland (EN) |
Cannabis: Basisinformationen (Merfert-Diete, 2004) | 2004 Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.V. | 48pp. | Germany (DE) |
Cannabis zonder Coffeeshop niet-gedoogde cannabisverkoop in tien Nederlandse gemeenten (Korf et al.,2005) | 2005 Criminologisch Instituut Bonger, Universiteit van Amsterdam | 145pp. | The Netherlands (NL) |
Le Cannabis: Document de Travail | 2005 Rodin Foundation | 221pp. | Belgium (FR) |
Informe sobre cannabis (Comisión clínica de la delegación del gobierno para el Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas, 2006) | 2006 PNSD (Spain) | 78pp. | Spain (ES) |
‘Consultations cannabis’ - Enquête sur les personnes accueillies en 2005 (Obradovic, 2006) | 2006 OFDT (France) | 109pp. | France (FR) |
Synthèses: Le Cannabis (Karila and Reynaud, 2006) | 2006 Ordre National des Pharmaciens | 6pp. | France (FR) |
UNODC World Drugs Report 2006, Chapter 2: Why should we care about cannabis? (Leggett et al, 2006) | 2006 UNODC | 51pp. | Global (EN) |
Repérage précoce de l’usage nocif de Cannabis (INPES, 2006) | 2006 INPES | 4pp. | France (FR) |
Cannabis and mental health: responses to the emerging evidence (Hunt, Lenton and Witton, 2006) | 2006 Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme | 16pp. | United Kingdom (EN) |
Alcoologie et Addictologie, Juin 2006 | 2006 Société Française d’Alcoologie | 111pp. | France (FR) |
Where there’s smoke… cannabis and mental health (Mental Health Council of Australia, 2006) | 2006 Mental Health Council of Australia. | 76pp. | Australia (EN) |
Cannabis: answers to your questions (Copeland et al,2006) | 2006 Australian National Council on Drugs | 23pp. | Australia (EN) |
Evidence-based answers to cannabis questions: a review of the literature (Copeland, 2006) | 2006 Australian National Council on Drugs | 89pp. | Australia (EN) |
Cannabis: preventie en behandeling bij jongeren Trimbos Institute (NL) |
2006 Trimbos institute |
124pp. | Netherlands (NL) |
National Cannabis Strategy 2006-2009 | 2006 Australian Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy | 40pp. | Australia (EN) |
The Evidence Base for the Classification of Drugs (Levitt, Nason and Hallsworth, 2006) | 2006 RAND Corporation | 86pp | Europe (United Kingdom) (EN) |
EMCDDA drugs profiles: Cannabis | 2007 EMCDDA |
6pp. | Europe (EN) |
Does cannabis use lead to mental-health problems?: findings from the research (Buckmaster and Thomas, 2007) | 2007 Parliament of Australia Social Policy Section |
7pp. | Australia (EN) |
Cannabis, données essentielles, Saint-Denis, (Costes, J.-M. (ed) OFDT, 2007) | 2007 OFDT (France) |
232 pp. | France (FR) |
Cannabiskwekers in Vlaanderen. Patronen en motieven van 748 telers (Decorte, T. en Tuteleers, P. (2007). | 2007 Instituut voor Sociaal Drugsonderzoek |
The impact of heavy cannabis use on young people (Melrose, M. (ed.), Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2007) | 2007 Joseph Rowntree Foundation |
92 pp. | United Kingdom (EN) |
Aspectos psiquiátricos del consumo del cannabis (Ramos Atance, J. (ed.) ) | 2007 Sociedad Española de investigación en cannabinoides (SEIC) |
189 pp. | Spain (ES) |
The illicit drug market in the United Kingdom, Home Office Online report 20/07 (Matrix research group, 2007) | 2007 Home Office (UK) |
101 pp. | United Kingdom (EN) |
Le trafic de cannabis en France (Ben Lakhdar, C., OFDT, 2007) | 2007 OFDT (France) |
25 pp. | France (FR) |
ACMD: Cannabis: Classification and Public Health (ACMD, 2008) | 2007 ACMD (UK) |
56 pp. | UK (EN) |