Reitox national focal points —2022 highlights


Click on the a country name in the map below to see highlights from the country for 2022, as submitted by the Reitox national focal point.

2022 country highlights

The source data for this graphic is available in the source table on this page.

About the Reitox national focal points

Reitox is the European information network on drugs and drug addiction created at the same time as the EMCDDA. The abbreviation 'Reitox' is derived from the French 'Réseau Européen d'Information sur les Drogues et les Toxicomanies'. Members of the Reitox network are designated national institutions or agencies responsible for data collection and reporting on drugs and drug addiction. These institutions are called 'national focal points' or 'national drug observatories'. Learn more about the Reitox network and participating countries >>

Source data

Country Country code Focal point About Logo Highlight 1 Highlight 2 Highlight 3
Sweden SE Swedish national focal point The Swedish national focal point is located within the Public Health Agency of Sweden, which is responsible for national public health issues. The agency promotes good public health by building and disseminating knowledge to healthcare professionals and others responsible for infectious disease control and public health. Performed a literature review of risk and protective factors for drug use and related problems among children and adolescents. The findings call for implementing support measures in good time, measures in school, good access to care and support, youth guidance services, and support for families. A qualitative analysis of the free text responses in the 2021 European web survey on drugs. Respondents express a willingness to share experiences but fear of punishment is perceived to reduce motivation to participate in surveys and to answer truthfully to questions about drugs, and, that stigmatisation can be a barrier to seek care. Implementation of a national, online, warning system on drugs to report urgent findings and important information to reduce death and harms. Almost 500 users from national authorities, health care units and the social services have access to the warning system and can share and use the information.
Greece EL Greek national focal point

The Greek national focal point is located within the Athens University Mental Health, Neurosciences and Precision Medicine Research Institute (UMHRI), the research institute linked to the University of Athens (Medical School). UMHRI specialises in conducting and promoting research in the basic sectors of mental health, in offering medical and psychosocial services, as well as in developing training courses.

UMHRI has been commissioned by the Greek Ministry of Health to operate the Greek REITOX Focal Point, while since 1998 the Focal Point has been assigned and operates as the National Centre of Documentation and Monitoring on Drugs & Alcohol.
The Greek FP has been actively involved in the formation of drug policy in Greece. The FP’s National Report has been a key resource for National Strategy and Action Plan (pending approval), while also the FP is an active member of the National Coordination Committee on Drugs. The Greek FP played a crucial role in promoting evidence-based prevention in the country. We advocated and succeeded to have the European Drug Prevention Quality Standards adopted by the Greek prevention system. Today, training on the European Prevention Curriculum is available. The FP has a leading role in evaluation studies in prevention. The Greek FP has a key role in monitoring drug & alcohol problems and responses. High quality data with national coverage are collected. The Greek FP and UMHRI have been at the forefront in the field of drugs research, implementing several surveys and participating in research and training projects.
Netherlands NL Dutch Reitox national focal point The national focal point is part of the Drug Monitoring and Policy Department of the Trimbos Institute, the national research institute for mental health care, addiction care and social work, which is tasked with informing policymakers and politicians about the mental health issues that concern the Dutch population.
The National Drug Monitor (NDM) and recently launched digital platform ( serve as a key source supporting an evidence-informed drug policy with up-to-date fact and figures about drugs, alcohol and tobacco use and drug-related criminality in the Netherlands. The Drugs Information and Monitoring System (DIMS), established in 1992, has become one of the leading drug checking projects worldwide. By closely collaborating with (inter)national stakeholders, DIMS is widely acknowledged as a valuable asset for public health, policy making and scientific research in the Netherlands and abroad. The Trimbos Institute has a long-standing experience in coordinating a variety of international projects in the drugs domain. By coordinating tEC funded projects SO-PREP and DRUG-PREP, we contribute to enhanced preparedness and resilience of EU countries regarding their drug surveillance systems and policy making.
Ireland IE Irish Reitox national focal point The Irish national focal point is located in the Health Research Board (HRB). The HRB is a statutory body with a mission to improve health through research and information. The HRB is responsible for promoting, commissioning and conducting medical, epidemiological and health services research in Ireland.
Published results of 2021 European Web Survey on Drugs.  More 5,000 respondents completed the survey, the second highest of all countries participating.  Findings supported health services pilot drug checking service at festival in August 2022. Focal point published multi indicator analysis of young people and substance use with media coverage equivalent to €1,5m advertising cost.  Focal point also leading on analysis of cohort study on young people in Ireland.  Both central to policy development in this area. Have been asked to provide expert support to Citizens Assembly on Drugs in 2023.  The CAs have been  'participatory democracy' forums in a number of important policy arenas in Ireland.
Latvia LV Latvian Reitox National focal point The national focal point is located in Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia. The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia is a newly established public institution responsible for data collection and monitoring on different public health issues.
Cohort study among problem drug users which has been conducted since 2006. Participation in European syringe collection and analysis enterprise (ESCAPE) and wastewater analysis. National Early Warning System on new drugs with its generic system.
Luxembourg LU Luxembourgish Reitox national focal point The headquarters of the National Focal Point in Luxembourg are located within the Department of Epidemiology and Statistics at the Directorate of Health, Ministry of Health. It supports public health actions and policies by offering expertise on relevant health topics guided by scientific data and analysis.
Logo of the Luxembourgish National Focal Point on Drugs and Drug Addictions
The Luxembourg NFP reports the highest coverage of substitution treatment and exchange of safer-use materials in the EU and has already exceeded the targets of the WHO in this area. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a low-threshold substitution offer was implemented targeting marginalised drug users regardless of their social security status. This measure remains operational. The Luxembourg NFP is involved in the evaluation and monitoring of the impact of the new national cannabis policies (2-step approach). The NFP is also involved in the planning and guidance of the first national general population survey on ‘drugs’, and additional target studies with a particular focus on cannabis. The Luxembourg NFP is partner in an EU-funded research project that aims to address and reduce drug use in prisons, and better understand the needs of prisoners and ex-prisoners (PRS20). This will lead to better visibility and awareness of our “safe tattoo” and needle/syringe exchange programs in prison, and ultimately to policy recommendations.
Türkiye TR Turkish Reitox national focal point The Turkish Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (TUBİM) is attached to the Ministry of Interior/Turkish National Police/ Counter Narcotics Department.
On the “Balkan Route”, an extremely important route for drug trafficking, Turkey is a transit and target country in the trafficking of opium derivatives, particularly heroin, produced in Asia and shipped to Europe, and methamphetamine, produced and trafficked in the same direction in recent years. The new psychoactive substance (NPS) phenomena in Turkey is mainly concentrated in synthetic cannabinoid derivatives and the country has a well-coordinated and effective national Early Warning System with a pro-active approach including generic legislation. A total of 994 substances have been taken under legal control since 2008. The prevention projects carried out by Counter-Narcotics Department aim to raise public awareness and to integrate the community into the fight against drugs. These projects such as The Best Narcotics Police is the Mother”,Narco-Guide, Narco-Stand, Narco-Truck and Annual Narco-Contest on selected topic are welcomed by all parts of the society.
Poland PL Polish Reitox national focal point

The Polish national focal point Research, Monitoring and International Cooperation Department was established in 2001 and is located within the National Center for Prevention of Addictions under the auspices of the Ministry of Health.

According to information from the Polish NFP, it seems that the COVID-19 pandemic did not have a large impact on the availability and use of New Psychoactive Substances in Poland. A new challenge is the war in Ukraine and the support to provide to millions of displaced Ukrainians. A psychoactive substance helpline and psychological support for people from Ukraine have been launched in Poland. Around 100 clients from Ukraine are treated free of charge in OST programmes in Poland. Available data from the Polish NFP shows that the drug markets were not affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as the other areas of social and economic functioning were.
Estonia EE Estonian Reitox national focal point The national focal point is located within the Infectious Disease and Drug Prevention Department of the NIHD. The department collects, harmonises and analyses data on illicit drugs in Estonia, and disseminates information and cooperates with EU and non-EU national focal points, and other international bodies and organisations.
The Estonian NFP provides annual thematic Fact Sheets on drug topics. The Estonian NFP is conducting wastewater and syringe residue studies in Estonia since 2019. The Estonian NFP is actively involved in the preparation process of drug policy documents.
France FR French Reitox national focal point Since 1996, the French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (Observatoire français des drogues et des tendances addictives, OFDT) has been entrusted, as an independent body, with the coordination of all drug-monitoring activities in France, and has acted as the national focal point. The OFDT is also consulted for its expertise and methodology to help prepare governmental policies.
logo of the OFDT: Observatoire français des drogues et des tendances addictives. Blue font on white background and acronym OFDT in a yellow square
The French NFP provides key data on drugs and addictions in France: an 8-page document in English with all the latest data available on the market, legislation and use of psychoactive substances and addictions, with or without substances. These data include the 5 key indicators implemented by the EMCDDA and REITOX (GPS, DRD, DRID, PDU, TDI). Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use among French adolescents are monitored with HBSC and ESPAD studies. Main results show a decline in smoking at all ages, early experimentation with alcohol and cannabis and cannabis use that remains among the highest in Europe despite a significant decline in recent years. The French NFP has been monitoring emerging phenomena for the last 20 years. The TREND scheme relies on a network of 8 observation sites throughout France to identify emerging phenomena before they can be measured in the general population and the French EWS participate in the European monitoring of products circulating within the national territory.
Romania RO Romanian Reitox national focal point The Romanian national focal point is a unit within the National Anti-Drug Agency under the remit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The director of the Agency acts as the national coordinator on drugs in Romania.
The Romanian NFP set up an intervention for drug use in recreational settings with 2 components: quantitative (with 2 subcomponents - face to face and online) and qualitative. The Romanian NFP developed an integrated software, which by storing TDI, ER, NEP, and DRD case by case forms, based on the same anonymous code of PWUD, allows the visualization of all interventions addressed to each person using drugs included in the database in different services.  
Denmark DK Danish Reitox national focal point The national focal point is located within the Danish Health Authority, an autonomous Government agency linked to the Ministry of Health. The Danish Health Authority is made up of a number of divisions and centres, each dealing with its own area of expertise.
Over the last years Denmark has introduced a variety of different harm reduction interventions to reduce drug related deaths among other measures. Nation-wide interventions consists of take-home naloxone programs, drug-consumptions rooms, opioid- substitution treatment and heroin-assisted treatment. The Danish NFP established a new information and “warning” site on New Psychoactive Substances (including content and concentration of illegal drugs) in different regions and nation. The site also contents risk assessments reports on new NPS and is regularly updated. Recently,  the Danish Health Authority launched [all about drugs] which is a website aimed at young people. The objective of the website is to provide young people with information about drugs and alcohol and it contains video clips, articles and describe the various drugs.
Croatia HR Croatian Reitox national focal point The national focal point is located within the Croatian National Institute for Public Health of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. This Institute develops drug policy and coordinates the activities of the ministries and other actors involved in the implementation of the national drug strategy at the political level.
The Croatian NFP designed a survey on psychoactive substances use in Roma communities in Međimurje County, which was followed by the prevention pilot project. The Croatian NFP designed a study and implemented the pilot project on the analysis of therapeutic, legislative and financial assumptions and conditions regarding the distribution of opioid substitution therapy in pharmacies. The Croatian NFP carried out a risk assessment on opioid overdoses among people who use drugs.
Germany DE German Reitox national focal point The German Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (DBDD) is a tripartite organisation, with each part responsible for different areas including, the overall management of the focal point, prevention  aspects, addiction treatment,  epidemiology, drug policy, legal framework, information on drug-related harms and harm reduction and the Early Warning System.
The German NFP is piloting a project to further develop and implement a National Early Warning System (NEWS). The main goal is to keep users and professionals up-to-date on health-relevant developments and thus enable harm reduction measures. Work is based inter alia on anaylses of substances, user online forums, questionnaires, expert focus groups and lots of informal contacts. The German NFP is piloting a project to build an online information portal on licit and illicit substances, connecting all data on the subject and presenting it in different forms (i.e. dashboard, visualisations, fact sheets) to guarantee access to reliable and relevant information for all interested groups.

The German NFP is currently involved in scientific projects connected to the announced introduction of a regulated Cannabis market in Germany, including a scoping review of the effects of passive smoking of Cannabis and the development of a list of possible indicators to measure the effects of the planned regulation.

Czechia CZ Czech Reitox national focal point The national focal point was established as the National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction in 2002, within the structure of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, Secretariat of the Council of the Government for Drug Policy Coordination. The main objectives of the national focal point are to monitor the situation in the field of use of psychotropic substances, prepare documentation for evidence-based decision-making at the national and European level and evaluate the efficiency of such actions.
The Czech NFP is responsible for monitoring of the situation and trends in all aspects of addictions as confirmed by the many reports launched in 2021: Report on Tobacco, Nicotine and related Products, Report on Alcohol, Report on Problematic Use of Psychoactive Medicines, Report on Illicit Drugs, Report on Gambling, and Summary Report on Addictions in the Czech Republic. In 2022, the Czech NFP launched a report on Digital Addictions in the Czech Republic, approved by the Council of the Government. The Czech NFP is involved in the European collaborative DRUG-PREP project and JATC2 project, and actively monitoring impacts of the crisis in Ukraine on addiction services in the Czech Republic.
Hungary HU Hungarian Reitox national focal point The Hungarian National Focal Point is located under the Department of Public Health in the Ministry of Interior. The focal point was established in 2004 by the Government Decree (28/2004. (II. 28).  In 2020, the focal point’s task of coordinating the Hungarian Early Warning System has been supplemented by operating the national control mechanism of novel psychoactive substances.
The Hungarian NFP has a key role in timely monitoring of drug problem and responses in the events of crisis: it conducted studies assessing changes in drug use and service provision during the first and second wave of COVID-19 and service provision for Ukrainian refugees. The Hungarian NFP initiated the first HIV/HCV screenings among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) in the country nearly two decades ago and since then is a determining actor in the field of prevention of infectious diseases in PWID, fuelling developments in field work, training, policy and research. It is very important to develop new monitoring methods and implement innovative tools to capture the drug use in this rapidly changing world: recently the Hungarian NFP joined the 2021 wave of the European Web Survey on Drugs and contributed to its success with over 12,000 participants from Hungary.
Slovakia SK Slovakian Reitox national focal point The national focal point is located within the Department of Drug Strategy Coordination and Monitoring of Drugs, which is based within the Ministry of Health. Under the responsibility of the Health Ministry’s State Secretary, the Department functions as an executive body/secretariat of the Government Council for Drug Policy and oversees the coordination and implementation of the national drugs strategy.
Activities of the Slovak NFP are performed in accordance with the new National Antidrug Strategy of the Slovak Republic for the period of 2021-2025 with a view to 2030. This Strategy is defined as the fundamental strategic document of the Slovak Republic in the area of the antidrug policy. Wastewater analysis for the purpose of drug monitoring was performed by Sewage Treatment Association of Cleaning Experts of the Slovak Republic. Surveys on use and abuse of psychoactive drugs and the European Web Survey on Drugs (EWSD) were conducted as well. The Slovak NFP administers a website for the general public. The Slovak NFP is preparing to conduct its national population adult survey (GPS) and national population school surveys (TAD) during autumn 2022, and an ESPAD survey is foreseen in 2023.
Austria AT Austrian national focal point The  Austrian >Reitox national focal point is located within the Austrian Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH), a public body funded by the Federal Ministry of Health. The Austrian Public Health Institute has three business units, carrying out research, planning, monitoring and reporting activities (within the business unit ÖBIG), developing, implementing and evaluating a nationwide quality system for healthcare (within the business unit BIQG) and promoting and financing health promotion activities (within the business unit FGÖ). The national focal point is part of the Addiction Competence Center established at ÖBIG. focal point logo The Austrian NFP designed a first online Reitox academy training and supported experts in six Western Balkan countries in preparing drug reports in cooperation with EMCDDA. First results on the impact of COVID-19 on addiction-related behaviours have been published by the Austrian NFP in a factsheet: Intoxicated through the crisis?. ESSD Conference 2021: Together with the University of Vienna, the Austrian NFP organised the 31st European Society for Social Drug Research online conference. With over 100 experts from all over the world, the conference was well attended.
Belgium BE Belgian national focal point 2022 highlights The national focal point is located within the Epidemiology and Public health division at Sciensano, the Belgian Health research Institute. Sciensano implements policies in response to the legal framework and the priorities of the Federal Minister for Health and the President of the Federal Public Service for Health, Food Chain Security and the Environment. The institute is the scientific reference in the field of public health and supports health policy and policymaking through innovative research, analyses, monitoring activities and expert advice. In order to make use of national drug-related data, cooperation and coordination between the NFP and many different regional partner organisations is vital owing to the assigned responsibilities regarding health policy. focal point logo The Belgian NFP organised during the COVID-19 pandemic a rapid assessment among treatment centres in order to know the impact of the pandemic on the treatment possibilities of people who use drugs. In 2022, the Belgian NFP joined a foresight project 'Drug-PREP' in collaboration with Portugal, the Netherlands, Ireland, Czech Republic and Finland. The Belgian NFP achieved a new estimation of PWID (People Who Inject Drugs) and the prevalence of HCV among this target group combining capture-recapture and multiplier methods.
Spain ES Spanish Reitox national focal point The Spanish national focal point is located within the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs, a government organisation in the Ministry of Health. The Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs is entrusted with coordination of different aspects of drug policy.
Logo of the Spanish national focal point
Development of the Action Plan 2021-24, recently approved with the consensus of relevant stakeholders, based in the Spanish National Strategy on Addictions 2017-24. These are the framework documents that guide the addiction policy in Spain. Update of the programme “Help near you” (“Ayuda cerca de tí”) facilitating contact with treatment services through our website. This online programme allows to identify a facility by either the postal code or name of the town, and locate the addiction treatment facilities, with information on the provision of opioid substitution treatment (OST). The Spanish NFP strengthened the cooperation at international, national and regional level. Examples are: institutional/economic/technical support to third countries specifically in Latin America and the Caribbean, strengthening the participation of experts through working groups/webinars, and developing/updating tools to collect information.
Bulgaria BG Bulgarian Reitox national focal point The national focal point (NFP) is based in the National Centre of Public Health and Analyses. The unit carries out informational, analytical, scientific research, expert-consultative and publishing activities. The main objectives of NFP activities include methodological control, collection, evaluation and classification, processing, storage, analysis and dissemination of information in the field of drug demand and supply in Bulgaria, drug policy and the response to the situation in that field.
logo of the Bulgarian national focal point
The Bulgarian NFP developed an online platform with information on the main data of the Reitox key epidemiological indicators. It provides current national data, trends and comparisons with European and world drug data. In 2021 an agreement with the Clinic of Forensic Medicine and Deontology, UMBAL Aleksandrovska in Sofia (the largest in Bulgaria) was reached by the Bulgarian NFP to provide information on drug-related deaths for the prospective period 2015-2020 and for the next years. In Bulgaria, national surveys on the use of psychoactive substances among the general population (aged 15-64), school students (aged 15-19), university students and prisoners are conducted in a 4-year cycle.
Finland FI Finnish Reitox national focal point The national focal point is hosted by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) is an independent state-owned expert and research institute that promotes the welfare, health and safety of the population.
Logo of the Finnish National Focal Point on Drugs and Drug Addictions
The Finnish NFP has been an early adopter of new innovative methods of drug monitoring - wastewater analysis, syringe residue analysis and web surveys. The national drug data collection network is multiprofessional, multisectoral and multidisciplinary bringing together all relevant drug monitoring organisations in Finland in the spirit of good cooperation. 264 syringes per People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) were distributed in Finland in 2020 which is above WHO 2020 targets.
Lithuania LT Lithuanian Reitox national focal point The national focal point in Lithuania is situated within the Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control Department of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. The main responsibilities of the department include implementation of the national drug programme, information gathering and dissemination. The department operates under the leadership of the Prime Minister and Minister of Health and is responsible for relations with international organisations, including the EMCDDA.
logo of the Lithuanian focal point
The Lithuanian NFP actively uses innovative monitoring methods including the SCORE monitoring campaign of wastewater-based monitoring of illicit drugs, ESCAPE project (syringe residue analysis) and web surveys. The Lithuanian NFP prepared the National Agenda on Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol Control, Prevention of Use and Addressing Drug-Related Harm by 2035 and the Action Plan. The Lithuanian NFP initiated a Naloxone take-home pilot project in low threshold cabinets in Lithuania and in collaboration with NGOs and medical doctors organized the 'Be Safe Lab', an educational drug prevention and harm reduction initiative to establish a safer environment at festivals.
Portugal PT Portuguese Reitox national focal point The Portuguese national focal point is located within the General- Directorate for Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies (SICAD). Attached to the Ministry of Health, SICAD’s mission is to promote a reduction in the use of psychoactive substances, the prevention of addictive behaviours and a decrease in dependences.
sicad logo
The Portuguese NFP was involved in the elaboration of the New National Plan for the Reduction of Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies 2021–2030 (PNRCAD). The Portuguese NFP is the main organiser of the Lisbon Addictions 2022 conference. In a very short period of time, the Portuguese NFP was able to conduct serveral online surveys on different addictive behaviours and dependencies that originate several publications (Drugs? How is ecstasy used in Portugal?; Patterns of cannabis use in Portugal).
Italy IT Italian Reitox national focal point The Department for Anti-Drug Policies was set up at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers by means of the first decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 20 June 2008, and placed under the functional responsibility of the Prime Ministerial Under-Secretary with delegated responsibility for drugs.
The National Conference on Addictions entitled 'Beyond Fragility' was held in Genoa in Nov. 2021. The Italian NFP supported the organisation of this conference. The participatory process led to many innovative perspectives and useful proposals for the drafting of the new National Action Plan planned for 2022. The Italian NFP actively participated in the drafting of the new National Addiction Plan inspired by the EU Action Plan on Drugs 21-25. It is the result of a participatory process and envisaged the consultation of several national stakeholders including authorities, research centres, working groups of experts, etc. Available in digital format. The Italian NFP was involved in the project design of the International Operator Training Plan in Italy for addiction professionals in agreement with the EMCDDA. Contents include prevention based on European Prevention Curriculum, introduction to the principles of substance dependence treatment, drug treatment & harm reduction services.
Cyprus CY Cypriot Reitox national focal point The national focal point was created in March 2004 by the Cyprus Anti-Drugs Council, the main coordinating body responsible for drug and alcohol policy in Cyprus. The primary role of the national focal point is the collection, analysis and evaluation of information and data concerning the drug use situation in Cyprus and the implementation of EMCDDA activities and other related national activities.
Logo of the Cyprus National Focal Point
The Cyprus NFP enlarged the use of complimentary data (e.g. increase of the frequency of wastewater analysis to four times a year, inclusion of more drugs in the analysis + web surveys). The Cyprus NFP is using more alternative data collection tools (e.g. online surveys in specific populations) besides traditional tools. In Cyprus, simpler rules/procedures in harm reduction services (e.g. as regards take-home Naloxone, provision of rapid tests) have been introduced.
Norway NO Norwegian Reitox national focal point Since 2016 the Norwegian focal point has been located in the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI). FHI acts as a national competence institution for governmental authorities, the health service, the judiciary, prosecuting authorities, politicians, the media and the general public on issues related to physical and mental health, prevention of communicable diseases and prevention of harmful environmental influences. It is placed directly under the Ministry of Health and Care Services.
In the beginning of 2022, heroin assisted treatment (HAT) has been introducted in Norway. In Norway, there are new guidelines for criminal prosecution presented by the Director of Public Prosecutions in 2022, stating that simple possession of illicit drugs should not result in legal sanctions for drug abusers. In Norway, advisory units for drug use offenders will be established in all municipalities mid-2022.
Malta MT Maltese Reitox national focal point The Maltese national focal point is based within the Ministry for Social Policy and Children's Rights and is part of the National Coordinating Unit on Drugs and Alcohol. It started its operations in June 2004 as a result of a Twinning Light Project with the Netherlands.
The Maltese NFP was instrumental in providing the evidence base for the introduction of the new service for minors in Malta, which opened during the summer of 2021. The Maltese NFP provided the Parliamentary Committee with the facts on the drug situation in Malta as part of the consultation process that led to the introduction of the Law on the Authority for the Responsible use of Cannabis. The Maltese NFP introduced the neutral term for opiate substitution to opiate agonist treatment (OAT) into the EU Drugs Strategy 2021-2025 as well as the concept of modelling drug data for future scenarios.
Slovenia SI Slovenian Reitox national focal point The Slovenian national focal point is a part of the Information Unit for Illicit Drugs (IUID), which is located at the National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia (NIPH). The NIPH collects, organises and analyses health-related statistical data in the fields of diagnoses, attendance, staff and visiting hours in outpatient facilities, outpatient specialist services and hospitals. The legal basis for the establishment of the Slovenian national focal point is the Prevention of Illicit Drug Abuse and Treatment of Drug Addictions Act (1999).
Logo of NIJZ, National Institute of Public Health of Sovenia
The Slovenian NFP was leading the implementation of public health intervention take-home naloxone in Centres for Prevention and Treatment of Illicit Drug Addiction, where it is distributed. The Slovenian NFP is an organizer of every year's National Prevention Conference, that is the main event in the field of prevention in Slovenia. The Slovenian NFP was one of the stakeholders in preparing of the Slovenian resolution Promoting comprehensive and scientific-based early prevention that was accepted at the 65th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.