EMCDDA pilot study of drug-related homicide in Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden
This paper is part of the EMCDDA activity around the development and improvement of drug supply indicators, with a focus on drug-related homicide. It builds upon the 2017 review of the academic research and data sources on drug-related homicide at national and European/international levels by providing a common definition of the phenomenon and a detailed set of guidelines for standardised data collection. Importantly, the report also presents a comparative analysis of the results of the pilot collection of DRH data conducted in Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden.
This is a supporting publication to the 2019 EU Drug Markets Report.
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Table of contents
- Acknowledgements
- Summary
- Background and aim
- Classifying drug-related violence
- Methodology
- European Homicide Monitor
- Data collection and analysis
- Definitions and operationalisation
- Country characteristics
- The nature and scope of drug-related homicide in three European countries
- Drug-related homicide
- Drug-related homicide compared with non-drug-related homicide
- Discussion and conclusion
- Discussion of findings
- Looking ahead: shortcomings and steps forward
- Conclusion