Strategies and coordination in the field of drugs in the European Union: a descriptive review


The aim of this report is to provide a descriptive and comparative review of the national drug strategies, action plans and coordination mechanisms adopted in the European Union, largely since the end of the 90’s. In addressing this study we have tried to answer to the following questions: Do all EU countries have a written, definable drug strategy/action plan? What are the main elements and objectives of this document? Is there a new trend in drug policy, at least as far as official declarations are concerned? How do countries coordinate the multifaceted issue of drugs? Do all countries have coordination agencies, and coordinators, or merely coordination systems?

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Table of contents

  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • PART I – Comparative Overview
    • Chapter 1 - Semantic problems and definitions
    • Chapter 2 - New attitudes in drug policy
    • Chapter 3 - Drug strategies in focus
    • Chapter 4 - Coordination in the field of drugs
    • Key findings
  • PART II - Country Profiles
    • Belgium  
    • Denmark
    • Germany
    • Greece 
    • Spain
    • France 
    • Ireland
    • Italy
    • Luxembourg 
    • Netherlands
    • Austria 
    • Portugal
    • Finland
    • Sweden
    • United Kingdom
    • Norway 
  • Sources