Drug use and its consequences in the Western Balkans 2006–14
The result of the EMCDDA’s cooperation with countries in the Western Balkans over many years, this report is the first of its kind. It gives insight into the drug-related problems faced by six countries in the region, through the available data gathered by a range of partners and the EMCDDA. Funded through the European Commission’s Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) assistance instrument, the report will be the starting point for building a more detailed and accurate picture of the drug situation and responses in the Western Balkans and will lead to information and analysis that represent an added value for the countries involved, as well as European and national stakeholders.
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Table of contents
- Foreword
- Summary
- Introduction
- Methods and approach
- Patterns of drug use
- Problem and injecting drug use
- Health consequences linked to drug injecting
- Overdose and drug-related death
- Drug treatment and harm reduction
- Conclusions
- References
- Abbreviations
- Annex: national data tables