Data catalogue


The aim of this catalogue is to make it easier to find data published by the EMCDDA. Currently, the list only contains a fraction of all data published by the agency over the years but we are adding to it all the time as part of our commitment to open data. Note that the aim of this catalogue is not necessarily to provide the data itself (though it may do so in some cases) but mainly to allow you to find the data.

What is included in this catalogue?

The catalogue includes:

  • The Statistical Bulletin which is mainly based on data submitted to the agency by the Reitox network of national focal points for the main reporting countries (27 EU Member States plus Türkiye and Norway) on a yearly basis and which forms the basis for the EMCDDA's annual overview of the drug situation in Europe, as well as other key outputs. These data are generally at the national level. The topics covered by these data sets include general population surveys, drug-related deaths, drug-related infectious diseases, treatment demand, markets and seizures data, etc. Only the most recent Statistical Bulletins are currently included.
  • Data from ongoing collaborations with networks or partner organisations, These data sets are usually at the city-level and are considered complementary sources to the main reported data sets. Examples include data from SCORE (wastewater), TEDI (drug.checking), Euro-DEN (hospital emergencies), ESCAPE (syringe residues), etc.
  • Data from studies or specific projects. These data sets are usually once-off and may be the result of primary research or based on aggregation of other existing data sets, or some combination of both. These data in the past have not been published in 'raw format' but are often included in PDFs or only made available as graphics, etc. Data from non-reporting countries (e.g. countries in the EU neighbourhood) are often published in this format,
  • Data which has been manipulated, combined, or further processed for the purposes of analysis, data visualisation or similar. This is almost always done when included as part of a publication or output and usually referred to as the 'source data'.
  • Data about the EMCDDA or activities e.g. accounts, expenditure or other data about the agency.