European drug prevention quality standards (EDPQS) Toolkit 3: training

Original/alternative title:  EDPQS Toolkit 3 delivering training to support the use and implementation of quality standards


This is one of four toolkit,s developed as part of a follow-up project to the European drug prevention quality standards.

The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards Toolkit 3 is for people who would like to deliver a  training event on quality in drug prevention. It will be of interest to people working for local government or specialised training companies (e.g. providers of courses for practitioners), practitioners who also deliver training, people working at non-governmental organisations (NGOs), University lecturers, or health education providers who work with others (e.g. teachers) to encourage effective prevention.

Toolkit 3 is of particular value if you wish to:

  • Show others how to use quality standards when planning and reviewing drug prevention activities
  • Develop ideas on how to deliver training on quality standards in an interactive and engaging way
  • Benefit from ready-prepared materials, including presentation slides, handouts and evaluation questionnaires

The Toolkit consists of the following documents:

  1. Trainers’ Guide (PDF file)
  2. Training Planning Grid (Word document)
  3. PowerPoint slides for all Units, with commentary
  4. Handouts for participants (PDF file)
  5. Covering page for participant handout packs (Word document)
  6. Pre-seminar questionnaire (Word document)
  7. Post-seminar questionnaire (Word document)
  8. Evaluation summary template (Excel file)
  9. Trainer self-reflection (Word document)
  10. Trainers’ conclusions (Word document)

EDPQS Toolkit 3 is intended for those wishing to provide training on quality standards in prevention. The training focuses on introducing the EDPQS as an overall framework for thinking about quality, and familiarises participants with how to plan and review prevention activities using the EDPQS. The Toolkit was developed on the basis of several years’ experience of delivering seminars on the EDPQS, as well as in-depth input from a range of stakeholders.

PDF files are made available as a convenience. In cases where the EUDA is not the originator of the document, please be aware that any PDFs available on this page may not be authoritative or there may be more recent versions available. While we make every effort to ensure that these files are definitive, before using or citing them, we recommend that you consult the publisher's website or contact the author(s) to check for more recent versions.
