The EMCDDA has been awarded a Gold Medal of the Order of Merit of the Spanish national plan on drugs (Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas/DGPNSD) in recognition of, and appreciation for, its work over the past 20 years. EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel is in Madrid today to receive the medal on behalf of the agency.
The agency was informed of the honour by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, following publication of the notice in the official state bulletin. In the communication, the EMCDDA is praised for the ‘extraordinary relevance’ of its work and its contribution to the adoption of national and EU-level policies based on evidence and scientific knowledge.
Following a presentation by the new Delegate of the DGPNSD, Azucena Martí Palacios, Mr Goosdeel will speak at the Spanish Reitox focal point on ‘New challenges in the area of drugs in Europe’. He will then proceed to the Ministry for Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare to receive the medal from Minister María Luisa Carcedo.
The latest Country Drug Report for Spain, is published today in Spanish. (It was released in English in June 2018).