A Ukrainian version of the European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) handbook, adapted for the local context, has been launched today in Kyiv at an event organised by the non-governmental organisation, Geopolitical Alliance of Women, at Ukrinform, the Ukrainian national news company. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science, and by health and prevention professionals who were involved in, or supported, the adaptation of the handbook. Participants reflected on the value of the EUPC handbook for Ukraine and exchanged ideas on how it could be used by specialists and stakeholders in their activities. The EUPC is designed to train professionals involved in shaping prevention decisions and policies in Europe in the science-based prevention of substance use.
This achievement has been a joint effort between the Ukrainian non-governmental organisation, Geopolitical Alliance of Women, and the State Institute of Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatric Examination, and Drug Monitoring of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Work started on the translation and adaptation of the handbook in the first half of 2021. The team have since demonstrated exceptional dedication and perseverance in the weeks following the invasion of their country in February 2022, continuing work on the project on their mobile phones in bomb shelters.
Advancing the professionalism of the drug prevention workforce in Europe is at the heart of the EUPC. It is hoped that in the longer term this handbook can become part of the training programme for the Ukrainian prevention workforce and that it will contribute to expanding evidence-informed prevention of substance use in the country.
Ukraine is one of the partners of the EU-funded EU4Monitoring Drugs (EU4MD) project, which has been developed by the EMCDDA as part of its ongoing commitment to strengthening cooperation and sharing expertise with countries in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) area.
The aim of the EUPC initiative is to implement a standardised prevention training curriculum in Europe and improve the overall effectiveness of prevention. Adapted from the Universal Prevention Curriculum by the EU-funded UPC-Adapt group, the handbook is based on international standards but with a European slant.