Infographic: polydrug use among clients entering treatment by primary drug in the EU-27, Norway and Turkey, 2020


This infographic, developed to accompany the miniguide Polydrug use: health and social responses in Europe presents some key statistics on the polydrug use among clients entering treatment by in the EU-27, Norway and Turkey. For more detailed statistics on treatment data, as well as methodological information, please refer to the Data section of our website.

Primary drug and number of secondary drugs cited among clients entering treatment in EU-27, Norway and Turkey

Source data

  Not known None One Two or more
Cannabis 7568 21726 9862 33679
Cocaine 1118 15266 9337 10639
Opioids 5522 21291 16423 22301
Stimulants other than cocaine 2209 1798 2102 11470