- A working arrangement was signed this morning in Madrid between FIIAPP/Spanish Cooperation and the EMCDDA in order to train and update the knowledge and experience of experts responsible for recording and analysing data on addictions. FIIAPP and the EMCDDA already work together on drug policy monitoring in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- This new collaboration is part of the seventh phase of the European cooperation programme Central Asia Drug Action Programme (CADAP 7), which has the strategic support of the Spanish Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs (DGPNSD) of the Ministry of Health.
Commenting today, EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel said: ‘The European drugs problem is increasingly linked to, and influenced by, global developments, underlining the need to identify trends occurring in EU neighbouring countries and worldwide. Our support for EU regional cooperation on drugs in Central Asia spans over 20 years and we look forward to continued collaboration with our partners in the region to develop science-based drug monitoring, policies and practice’.
Goosdeel added: ‘We are delighted to sign this working arrangement with FIIAPP today, which will allow us to support activities under the CADAP 7 programme, such as facilitating the exchange of knowledge between experts and offering internships at the EMCDDA for Central Asian experts”.
Read the full FIIAPP news item in English and Spanish here >>